Why Join?
Benefits of Membership
Membership Has its Benefits
Be a part of the Chamber that extends its reach to the Huron Valley community. Savvy business owners know that it's good policy to show commitment to the community they do business in. Your membership plaque and window decal identify you as a member of the Huron Valley Chamber of Commerce.
By sponsoring or volunteering at some of the events we organize annually, you extend your visibility to hundreds of thousands of new business contacts. Chamber events include the Christmas Parade, Milford Memories Summer Festival, and the Huron Valley Egg Hunt.

"This is the best Chamber organization I have ever been a part of in my 23 years of practice. Great job."
Kathryn Wayne-Spindler
Kathryn Wayne-Spindler & Associates

Networking Opportunities | Create Connections
- AM Power Hour- 1st Tuesday each month (morning) subject to change
- PM Power Hour-3rd Wednesday of most months (4:30-5:30 p.m.) subject to change
- Ribbon Cutting Celebrations
- Mixers, Buddies and Beer Mixers and Chamber Fusions (Mixers with other area Chambers
- Huron Valley Referral Network groups (HVRN)
- Women's Forum in conjunction with the Lyon Area Chamber of Commerce
- Educational Workshops
- Luncheons called Fun Bunch for Lunch
- Ambassador Program

Special Events | Participate-Volunteer-Sponsor
- Easter Egg Hunt
- Annual Golf Outing
- Milford Memories Summer Festival
- Christmas Parade
- Holiday Gala

Marketing Opportunities | The Chamber Has Many Channels
- Website listing with links to your site (enhanced listing available)
- Referrals from Chamber office
- Free business flyer on the first Friday of the Month in the the EBlast communication ($100 for 1 month of EBlasts)
- Chamber Bucks gift certificates (Click Here for Participants)
- Member to Member Discount Program
- Huron Valley Chamber Facebook | Instagram | Twitter | YouTube
- Chamber membership address labels available for mailings and digital file ($50)

The Huron Valley Small Business Community has an incredible culture made up of amazing people. We work hard, have strong values, support each other, have a huge heart & “make it happen”. The Huron Valley Chamber of Commerce is THE backbone of this culture & a MUST for any & all small businesses in the local area.
Thad Szott
Szott Automotive
Discounts | Make Your Membership Work For You
- Member to Member Discount Program Click Here.
- LegalShield/IDShield Program For more information on this program, Click Here.
- Envision Payroll Poster Kit. For more information on this program, Click Here.